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Biotin Anti-Mouse TCR Vγ2 Monoclonal Antibody UC3-10A6 M100T7-08Edatasheet


  • PerCP Anti-Mouse CD4 (GK1.5)Monoclonal Antibody GK1.5 M10043-32A


  • 概述

    Biotin Anti-Mouse TCR Vγ2 Monoclonal Antibody

    T-Cell Receptor (TCR) Vγ4 bearing T lymphocytes make up a significant proportion of γδ TCR cells in late fetal and adult peripheral lymphoid tissues. TCR γδ T cells may play a role in immunological surveillance for stress-induced self-antigens. The frequency of Vγ4 expression in different strains varied from 12% to 54% in the TCR γδ repertoire. Variations in the levels of Vγ4+ cells are not associated with MHC haplotype. High Vγ4 expression is influenced by the TCR-δ locus. Expanding Vγ4+ TCRγδ cells in B6 mice overwhelmingly use a Vδ7+ δ chain except in the DBA/2 strain.




  • 性能


    Keep as concentrated solution. Store at 4°C and protected from prolonged exposure to light. Do not freeze.

    PBS pH 7.2, 0.09% NaN3, 0.2% BSA

    0.5 mg/ml


    Hamster IgG

  • 应用

    Recommended Application: FC

    Each lot of this antibody is quality control tested by immunofluorescent staining with flow cytometric analysis (The amount of the reagent is suggested to be used ≤ 0.25 µg /10^6 cells in 100 µl). Since applications vary, the appropriate dilutions must be determined for individual use.

  • 图像
    Biotin Anti-Mouse TCR Vγ2 Monoclonal Antibody.jpg
    C57BL/6 mouse splenocytes CD3+ stained with FITC anti-mouse gdTCR and Biotin anti-mouse TCR Vγ4, followed by PE-SA.